You can become a coppersmith by completing a copper smithing apprenticeship or vocational school program. Once education and training is completed, coppersmiths are hired by industrial manufacturers and crafting companies to mold, weld, and manipulate copper into component parts, goods, and wiring. Professional organizations in the copper industry may offer regional classes and training programs towards coppersmith certification.
Training to become a coppersmith should begin as early as high school, and a diploma is usually a necessary first step to begin any type of apprenticeship or vocational school program. Students interested in entering the profession should attempt to takes elective coursework in shop classes because it is a good idea to begin gaining experience in building and crafting as soon as possible. While still in high school, it may be a good idea to begin researching companies in your area that hire coppersmiths and to find out information on how their apprenticeship programs operate.
Coppersmith careers usually start when a company agrees to hire an individual as an apprentice coppersmith. Some businesses may first require the completion of a two year community college or vocational school program before they are willing to hire someone to become a coppersmith. During the apprenticeship period, you are taught the basics of the profession and equipment operation. You are usually paired with experienced individuals who guide you through the learning process and supervise all work that is completed. Apprenticeship programs may require completion of a set number of years working with a company after becoming a coppersmith.
Certification in copper smithing may be necessary depending on the region you are located. If it is needed, certification is usually provided by a regional professional organization. Apprenticeship programs and vocational schools should teach what is needed to become a coppersmith and grant certification. When planning to become a coppersmith, vocational school attendance can help you gain an apprenticeship position, but usually will not serve as a substitute for the experience.
Once training is completed at the end of an apprenticeship program, the next step to become a coppersmith is to find a job in the profession. Students typically end up working for the company where they completed their training. If this is not possible, jobs are available working in manufacturing and craftsmanship. Coppersmiths advance in their jobs as they gain more years of experience and responsibility in production. Leadership roles are available to those interested in mentoring coppersmith apprentices and teaching at trade schools.