To become a first aid instructor, an individual usually has to seek first aid certification on a student or basic level. After obtaining that credential, he typically has to find an instructor training course in his area and attend the course, fulfilling all of its requirements. Depending on the certifying organization, the instructor may need to pass an assessment or evaluation as part of his training to become a first aid instructor.
The first step for someone who wants to become a first aid instructor is choosing an organization through which to train for first aid certification. There are many organizations from which to choose, including the Red Cross in the United States and St. John Ambulance in the United Kingdom, for example. Each organization creates specific requirements and steps to follow to become a first aid instructor. Comparing the requirements of different programs as well as the costs of each one may prove helpful for the aspiring instructor.
Student certification is the next step toward becoming a first aid instructor. This involves attending a certification training program. Training often lasts just a matter of hours, depending on the certifying organization and the particular techniques in which a person hopes to be certified.
First aid certification courses typically include instruction in not only how to provide emergency first aid, but also how to prioritize that aid. For example, a first aid course will teach a person what to do first if someone has multiple injuries, is bleeding, and isn’t breathing. Courses also teach students how to remain safe while delivering first aid, including how to protect themselves from potentially hazardous bodily fluids.
Individuals who are certified on a basic or student level, can seek out instructor training. They may find information about training centers from their first aid instructors or by contacting the organization through which they sought basic certification. Once they find a training center that has open spaces for new instructor trainees and show proof of basic certification, they can enroll and begin working toward becoming an instructor.
When training to become a first aid instructor, an individual typically learns both how to teach first aid lessons and how to successfully demonstrate techniques. Training usually includes instruction on how to lead practice sessions for first aid students and how to evaluate their performance. At part of the training course, the aspiring instructor will usually have to submit to a performance evaluation from his instructor trainer. This helps ensure a new instructor will be both knowledgeable and efficient.