In order to become a mobile auto mechanic, you must first become a licensed auto mechanic. Once you have become a certified mechanic, you will need to acquire a service truck. Depending on the area in which you live, you may have to also obtain a permit to become a mobile auto mechanic. After buying the truck, you will have to advertise and inform the public that you have become a mobile auto mechanic and will be available to service vehicles.
Typically, mechanic training will result in a certification or license being awarded. Upon becoming certified, you will need to locate a suitable service vehicle if you want to become a mobile auto mechanic. The typical type of service vehicle used by many mobile mechanics is a modified van or utility truck. This type of service vehicle works well for anyone wishing to become a mobile auto mechanic due to the many storage compartments and bins that are commonly mounted inside.
Some areas will require you to obtain a permit to operate a mobile business on public roads. Other areas will require that certain tax permits, work permits and special operator's licensing be obtained to become a mobile auto mechanic. In some areas, fuel taxes can be eliminated based on the type of business while other areas will actually increase the taxes on fuel used to power a mobile business. It is imperative that you check with your local branch of government to ascertain which permits and licenses you are required to have in your possession if you choose to become a mobile mechanic. In most areas, special license plates must be purchased to be used on a mobile auto mechanic's service vehicle.
Insurance is another mandatory component of any mobile service unit. You will be required to carry a minimum amount of insurance on your business, your vehicle and your work product depending upon the area in which you are going to become a mobile auto mechanic. There are often limiting factors as to the amount of insurance coverage that you are required to carry, thus, you should speak with a quality insurance broker in your area experienced in small business. One of the most important components of a mobile service business is advertising. If you seriously want to become a mobile auto mechanic, you must let people know about your business and how to reach you for repair service.