A beauty therapist completes the basic tasks of improving the outward appearance of their clients, as well as performing treatments that help them relax and release tension and stress. They do everything that a basic beautician does, as well as other tasks that require more knowledge and in-depth training. Hair and makeup are one of the most prominent areas of their job, as well as hair removal, performing manicures, and completing heat treatments, extensive nail work, electrical treatments, and overall body treatments. A beauty therapist performs any task required in order to improve the appearance of the people that depend upon them, as well as offering various actions that can improve how they feel, mentally and physically.
The basic tasks of a beauty therapist consist of jobs that most beauticians can complete. Applying makeup, as well as finding the perfect colors and styles for each patron, are commonly performed. Along with this goes performing facials, including cleansing and toning the facial structures and features found in each individual that they work on. Coloring and applying perms to hair, on the head as well as the rest of the body, is a basic task that they complete on a daily basis, as well as various types of temporary hair removals. Manicures are the last common job that they do, making sure that all fingernails are groomed properly, and are healthy and colored if desired.
Some more extensive tasks that the beauty therapist will perform require more knowledge and training, and in most areas will demand certifications to show that they are competent. Massage is the first job that they perform, helping clients relax and loosen up. Electric treatments are also performed by the therapist in order to improve muscle tone and basic features within the face, or the body, for people that demand the service. Heat treatments are another specialty service that they provide, from basic sauna treatments to numerous tanning options. The final extensive job task that a beauty therapist performs is advanced nail treatments. The nails can be treated when they have some minor problems, as well as applying advanced artwork and painting designs onto them.
A beauty therapist performs all of the basic job tasks that a normal beautician does, as well as numerous others that require a broader range of knowledge and experience. A therapist will complete any type of task to improve the overall look and basic health conditions of their clients. While they do not perform any types of medical treatments, such as chiropractic work or permanent hair removal, it is an important career field that is in high demand. People around the world pride themselves on their outward appearances, and the beauty therapist ensures that the people who come to them leave relaxed and with the best look that can be achieved.