The term "lecturer" can refer to different types of instructors who teach at the college level. In some countries, a lecturer is a member of a full-time staff, typically a new member of the team or a person at the beginning of his or her academic career. In other countries, a lecturer is an expert who teaches classes but does not necessarily conduct research or become eligible for tenure as a professor will. A photography lecturer may therefore be a person who is in the early stages of his or her college teaching career, or a person who teaches photography in a non-tenure track capacity.
The photography lecturer will be responsible for teaching classes that deal with any variety of topics concerning photography. This may mean the photography lecturer teaches about the history of photography or photography techniques. Others may focus more on teaching the principles of business so students will be prepared to start their own photography businesses after graduation. The photography lecturer will be an expert in the field who has extensive experience or education pertaining to the techniques, skills, and history of photography.
Unlike full professors, a photography lecturer may or may not possess a master's degree or PhD. The requirements for becoming a lecturer can vary by institution or region, though in most cases it is possible to become a photography lecturer with little formal education, if any at all. The lecturer will, however, need to possess significant experience in the field and have an uncommonly solid understanding of photography techniques. He or she will also need to be able to convey information effectively; some institutions may require the lecturer to take part in teaching classes before he or she can begin lecturing, though this is not always a requirement.
Other duties of a photography lecturer can vary by institution, though just about all lecturers will need to prepare lesson plans, create assignments for students, grade those assignments, and provide individual guidance to students in need of extra attention. Lecturers generally teach at the college or university level, so one on one attention for students is not always possible or feasible, though at smaller colleges or in smaller classes, the lecturer may have a more active role in guiding students. It is likely that the lecturer will teach in a studio setting, so he or she will need to know how to use all applicable equipment.