A pay per click specialist, also commonly referred to simply as a PPC specialist, is a person who specializes in managing Internet advertising campaigns. Specifically, an individual assigned to working in this capacity helps establish new media campaigns and oversees existing ones by performing tasks such as split-testing, analyzing keyword optimization and analyzing other data to minimize the overall pay per click cost of a web-based campaign. A PPC specialist may work as a company employee, but a high percentage of individuals working in this field choose to work as a freelance specialist or consultant and many work with multiple clients at any given time.
Successful PPC specialists generally have strong analytical skills and are able to decipher complicated data revealing the interactions of website or blog visitors with advertisements displayed on these sites. This information is useful in the planning and overall implementation of Internet ad campaigns. While many webmasters attempt to analyze such data on their own, others prefer to outsource such tasks to pay per click specialists who have gained significant experience in this area.
In addition to strong analytical skills, a PPC specialist must be very adept in mathematics, as well as possess the ability to identify future trends. While many specialists do not have formal training in this area and a degree is not always required to access PPC specialist jobs, most seasoned specialists do have a vast array of experience with search engine optimization and affiliate marketing, and have studied the ways in which various search engines operate. A good specialist not only spots future search engine or consumer trends, but is able to adapt well to a variety of new trends to assure the overall success of unique advertising campaigns.
During the course of a given campaign, a PPC specialist will engage in diligent keyword research, analyze the effectiveness of existing keywords being used on a website and make changes by adding or deleting new words or search terms, as necessary. A specialist will also work to create an effective landing page intended to draw visitors toward specific actions, such as clicking on advertisements or purchasing affiliate products. In order to determine the effectiveness of these actions, the specialist will also perform a variety of tests in an effort to discover which methods and strategies work best and which need to be changed to optimize a website’s overall effectiveness.